Entice Tips: Virtual Networking — How To Network in 2020

4 min readOct 27, 2020


Quarantine and Entice, Anyone?

The days of in-person meetings, large conferences and meetups are long gone since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But just because we are still stuck in the safety of our homes, that doesn’t mean we can’t network or continue to push our careers and businesses forward.

Many people actually have more time than ever to network and create new, lasting business opportunities and connections — we just have to pivot to networking virtually. Since everyone has shifted to virtual networking though, it is also important to cut through the noise in a time when digital networking is at its peak use. We make it enticing to be accessible while ending cold outreach.

Through Entice, networking during the era of quarantining and virtual meetings can actually be easy and profitable — most importantly it doesn’t have to be boring. Just because we are a virtual society now, doesn’t mean we have to sit through deck after deck all day long.

Entice allows users to DM, call, or video chat for the price set by the users for each category. The Entice team has put together a list of ideas to make your virtual networking experience more exciting and profitable — — check out some of our tips and tricks below!

Network by Online Meeting:

Video chatting doesn’t have to be 15 minutes of waiting for everyone to join the zoom, saying “I think you’re on mute” or “hey, can everyone see my screen share ok?” — it can be a tool for face-to-face networking and interaction that we really need in times like these…

Virtual Video Coffee Hang-

Don’t just video chat — video chat with coffee in hand

Grab coffee together, virtually of course — this is a great way to have a shared experience together and to add to the budding relationship. Either brew your own cups at home separately or, if trying to wow a client or potential client, have coffee sent to them just in time for the virtual meeting. When you can’t meet up at a coffee shop in person, bring the coffee shop to you!

Bonus points: You’ll feel like a whole new person after the consumed coffee and will be that much more productive working from home once your virtual coffee networking session is over.

Network by Video Response

Don’t feel like actually having a conversation because the impending doom of 2020 is too much to bear? That’s fine- Entice also has a video response option in which you can respond to Entice requests in a video that you record on your own time — preferably with a great background (or at least a clean room).

Network by DM:

DM’ing isn’t just a way to meet the love of your life or love of the week — it’s for networking, too! Tired of calls and video chats in general? Just spend an hour or two of your time DM’ing a new connection back and forth!

Make a quick introduction to one of your other contacts, give them advice, etc. all while never leaving your couch or your sweatsuit, and get paid while doing it with Entice.

Bonus networking tip: Share Articles When You Think Of Someone:

DM / email / text your connections articles as they pertain to their line of business with a personalized note. This lets them know you were thinking of them and gives you a reason to check in on your contacts (and the key: offer them value).

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About Entice — Entice is a paid networking platform where time is money. Get paid for your content, your accessibility, and your expertise. Entice is on a mission to eliminate the current barriers of networking by offering accessibility to an expert professional community that guarantees booked engagements through direct messages and meetings.

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