How To Stop Leaving Money On The Table

3 min readOct 14, 2020

How ghosting on the DM’s in your inbox can hinder your wallet

Believe it or not, like me, you are probably leaving money on the table every day by not answering your direct messages.

We all do it — we see the message in our inbox, we see that the opening pitch is cliche or sales-y, and we close the browser never to return to the message again. In 2020 terms, we ghost.

Admittedly, I currently have over 20 messages in my inbox that I have yet to respond to for one reason or another on LinkedIn and Instagram that very well could be opportunities for me, but the messages were based on cold outreach and didn’t pique my interest, and so, I ghost.

We’ve all been there, and we’ve all ghosted on many potentially fruitful conversations. What we need to remember (myself included) is that our time is, quite literally, money and we should be compensated for our time.

Instead of having these opportunities go unanswered, collecting metaphorical dust in my inboxes, I could be profiting off of my time with a platform like Entice.

With Entice, you get paid for your time, get paid for responding to inbound requests, and you stop leaving money on the table and put it where it belongs — in your hands.

Why do we ghost? Well, a response to a sales pitch usually enables the salesperson to continue on with their cold outreach. By not answering, we are changing the way that salespeople need to behave to get our attention.

For salespeople, this is tricky — potential customers don’t want spam, they want meaningful connection and engagement. They want transparency and openness from the first impression, which they aren’t getting from traditional cold outreach.

Businesses and salespeople spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to spam potential customers and rely heavily on cold outreach methods. Entice ensures these businesses and salespeople pay potential customers and users for their time.

Entice changes networking for salespeople as well, as the platform allows users to put a price tag on their guaranteed response. Salespeople will spend the price tag amount to ensure that they are connecting with potential customers, and potential customers don’t feel spammed because they are being compensated for their time and value. The end result is a win-win connection for both the salesperson or business and the user or potential customer.

About Entice — Entice is the paid networking platform. Get paid for your content, your accessibility, and your expertise. Entice is on a mission to eliminate the current barriers of networking by offering accessibility to an expert professional network that guarantees booked engagements through direct messages and meetings.

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