The Female Bot Epidemic

3 min readOct 27, 2020


Fake Employee Profiles are a Networking Nightmare

It’s the mess of a year that is 2020 and we have a very serious disease spreading and infecting thousands upon thousands of people every day. And no, I’m not just talking about COVID-19. I’m talking about the epidemic of fake female profiles on popular networking sites. There has been a rise of deceit in corporate America on networking sites where companies will create fake female employee profiles (instead of just, I don’t know, hiring a female) to have pseudo-diversity in their company when doing outreach. Without naming names (we aren’t snitches), these networking sites pride themselves on honesty, safe spaces to network, and excellent results.

And though this issue is not the networking site’s fault directly, this very issue is why a legitimate place to network…namely Entice, was created.

The trend of outreach has been growing and with that trend comes a variety of problems. How are businesses supposed to reach their designated targets? How can consumers interact with companies in a mutually beneficial way? And most importantly, how does one get around the failed system of cold outreach?

Do you know what the definition of insanity is? It’s doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Cold outreach is insanity. Plain and simple.

This particular scandal circulating is that some companies have decided to try and eliminate cold outreach by manipulating and deceiving. Their grand scheme is as follows…

Companies of all shapes and sizes are setting up networking site profiles and posing as fake female representatives (instead of, I don’t know, hiring real women). They will then message users asking for a networking meeting. If you are gullible enough to take the bait, you are then transferred to a sales representative or the CEO if the company is small enough. And then you are stuck. Employees at Entice verified this shocking tactic by asking each suspected profile to have a meeting with us over Zoom. It’s not hard to guess what happened next. We were ignored, blocked, and ghosted- essentially, we were professionally Catfished.

And I am at a loss for words.

Why do companies feel the need to create fake profiles to exploit users? Is it so hard to find qualified women that can do this job better with more efficiency and grace? If you want a female promoting your company so bad…just hire one. Last time I checked, COVID-19 didn’t wipe all of us out.

The fact that an article is even being written about this ridiculous ploy means that a shift is desperately needed in the corporate networking space. Integrity, efficiency, and sincerity need to be streamlined to make way for a new era of business. Thankfully, I have a solution for you. Join Entice, the networking platform that will never deceive you and will always ensure its female users are actually that…female.

Are you enticed yet? Join us at

About Entice — Entice is a paid networking platform where time is money. Get paid for your content, your accessibility, and your expertise. Entice is on a mission to eliminate the current barriers of networking by offering accessibility to an expert professional community that guarantees booked engagements through direct messages and meetings.

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